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At the Children of Victory Learning Center we provide daily breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack at no additional cost to you. All meals are prepared and served daily on site in our kitchen by a certified cook trained in USDA child nutrition requirements. The lunch and snack menu is prepared and posted monthly and follows USDA requirements. Cooked food is kept at 140 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.  












All surfaces where food is prepared or served are sanitized with soap and water and bleach and water solution.  All hands are washed following our hand washing procedures, and food is served.  All food containers, utensils, and equipment are washed with soap and water, rinsed and dried daily.  All dairy products are kept refrigerated at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less.

Safe food handling procedures are used when providing formula for infants.  A Nursing Mother’s room will be available for you to come and nurse your child and to facilitate that sweet bonding time. 




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